Today we’re delighted to launch our latest project into the world. After months of development, we present NeuroBB — The EEG, BCI, and Neurofeedback Discussion Forum.
Brain-computer interfaces have evolved to the point
The OpenBCI Processing application supports basic filtering and configuration, but options for manipulating the data further are scarce. When my OpenBCI arrived, I started looking around at the other software options.
Python and
In October, I pre-ordered an OpenBCI, billed as the open-source brain-computer interface for makers. It arrived a few days ago, and after some technical hurdles, I’ve completed my initial tests.
What follows
In this article I’m going to introduce the regions of the brain, the scientific terms for location, and the lobes that produce EEG signals that can be measured with a non-invasive device
Understanding a little bit about what we know of the brain and how it works is a necessary step for anyone interested in brain-computer interfaces, EEG, or biofeedback. This article is an overview
A few years ago I was given an Emotiv EPOC headset. The EPOC is a reasonably affordable, consumer EEG headset with 14 channels — essentially, a device that measures electrical activity generated inside the
The button has finally been pressed. After months of waiting—and saving up—my pre-order for an OpenBCI board has been placed.
The OpenBCI is an open-hardware, open-software ‘Brain Computer Interface’ capable of