When I upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 LTS, I finally took the plunge and switched from the i3 window manager on X11 to Sway, an almost drop-in Wayland replacement. Here&
In this tutorial I’ll show how to convert manuscripts written in markdown into a variety of industry-standard formats, automatically, using Pandoc.
Why bother?
I write short-stories and essays in markdown, but many
Ghost is a free, open-source, and beautiful piece of software that allows you to write and publish your own blog — while keeping out of the way.
Heroku is a Platform as a Service
Here at the autodidacts we have a sophisticated workflow for turning our project ideas into reality. It’s so arcane it deserves its own branch of historiography, but we settled for an infographic:
Avconv is a powerful audio and video converter with a mind-bending number of possible configurations and uses. For those of you who took one look at the 7 page table of contents and
Today we’re delighted to launch our latest project into the world. After months of development, we present NeuroBB — The EEG, BCI, and Neurofeedback Discussion Forum.
Brain-computer interfaces have evolved to the point
Glidecams are agitatingly expensive but equally sweet. They’re the mechanical heroes of independent film, giving amateurs access to the gorgeous motion shots of pro cinema. Despite their cost, they look like they&
Issue 43 of Make Magazine features a build tutorial of our Smart Rat Trap project. It was great working with Keith Hammond and the team at Make getting the project in print! You
It all started with a small LCD salvaged from an old printer. I recruited Adam for some coding and we soon had the LCD displaying text from an Arduino microcontroller. This was neat,