Autodidacts Newsletter #23
Hello friends,
Below are four new posts and six old ones.
- How to Get the Most Out of a Conference (Extroverting 101)
- Implementing Elegant Timing (in which Immanuel gets stuck behind a very old man on the sidewalk)
- The Joy of Selective Attention (Henrik Karlsson tweeted “good post!” which made me proud, because I think he’s cool.)
- The One-Hour Principle (more good life advice from Immanuel)
- Holistic Perfectionism (this one went viral)
- How to use an Aeropress without it blowing up in your face (a random practical tip for applying pressure to resistance that’s likely to give way)
- Towards Universal Keybindings (for the technically inclined, a plea for standardization)
- How to Deploy a Ghost Theme using the Admin API + Bash + cURL (if your eyes just glazed over at that title we don’t blame you. It’s a Bash script, if you’re into that kind of thing.)
- Treating Everything as Practice (Immanuel on putting up with people like me.)
- My Favourite Ways to Avoid Spending Money 🔒 (paid members only; worth the price or your money back)
To celebrate our approaching tenth anniversary, everyone who signs up as an Autodidacts supporter in the next month gets a gorgeous leather-bound refillable pocket notebook ($80 value) hand-made by Immanuel!

Thanks for reading,
The Autodidacts
But wait, we have postscripts!
A note to our deeply-appreciated paid members, who are not only supporting this site (and meaning that we get to sometimes eat frozen raspberries and hazelnut butter while we write articles) but also covering the hosting costs for the world’s only independent EEG, BCI, and Neurofeedback forum: we had a hiccup with Stripe, our payment processor. After three days of frantic emailing, everything is under control, and if we did our job right, you didn’t even notice. But if you did notice anything not working right with your paid membership, let us know.
This month, we also celebrate the blog’s first bot attack. Fortunately, the attack was almost embarrassingly unsophisticated, and we seem to have won.