The Autodidacts

Exploring the universe from the inside out

Autodidacts Newsletter #16

This newsletter might look a bit different: we have migrated our blog & newsletter platform into the 21st century. We hope it still works.

We have some new handcrafted blogposts for you.

First up, we have a 2,343-word essay on … organizing files! The first half — which we hope will be interesting to anyone who has more than three files on their computer — covers the inherent problems with how we usually organize data, and looks at possible solutions. The second half digs into the hoary technical details of implementing the solutions in the real-world.

Taxonomy is Hard
We all have data that we need to store, and then find. Regardless of type, data tends to build up. Eventually, we need some system for organizing it into sensible categories. It turns out, this problem is harder than it seems. In this article, I’m going to be talking about

Next, we have a short article about the power of writing on the internet:

Elon Musk could be reading this blogpost
It’s unlikely, but it’s possible. That’s the beautiful thing about writing on the internet. I have no idea who you are. You might be the Queen of Denmark. You might be the farmer who grew my porridge. Or, you might be you — the very person reading this

We also have turned on (ick!) paid memberships, and even published a members-only post. If you’re one of the people who have already signed up as a “Patron of the Arts” (thank you!) — or would like to join that exclusive club — you can read about the other side of writing on the internet here:

Why I Don’t Comment on the Internet 🔒
[Members only post] I rarely comment on the internet, even though I often have things I want to say, and would like to contribute to the communities I lurk in.

If not, no pressure. We’ll probably make it fully public sometime in the future. We’re not planning to turn into one of those blogs that hoards all our articles behind a paywall.

As always, thanks for reading.

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